How is it that thousands of years after he lived, we’re still talking about Moses?
Like so many successful leaders, he hired a public relations person.
Moses didn’t have to search through Google Ads to find a firm, though. He just used his brother, Aaron, to speak to the people on his behalf.
Aaron spoke eloquently and clearly. He was able to deliver messages while Moses concentrated on delivering a people.
In those days, Aaron and Moses had minimal tools at their disposal. If the Exodus from Egypt had happened today, we expect the Passover story might have gone a bit differently.
What if Moses had Twitter?
Setting: The desert, many generations ago.
Aaron: Moses! I heard that you’ve been chosen to lead the Jews.
Moses: I can’t believe it. I tried to get G-d to back off, but the burning bush kind of sealed the deal.
Aaron: I heard some of the Israelites talking, and they were complaining that you were a nobody, somebody they’ve never heard of. You should really make a name for yourself.
Moses: I know, I’m thinking about speaking to the people and showing them some of my talents — did you know I can turn a rod into a snake?
Aaron: No, no. Moses, you need to make a NAME for yourself. You need an up-to-date communications strategy. You need to make a LinkedIn profile.
Moses: Wh-what?
Aaron: LinkedIn. It’s a networking Web site where you can connect with people all over the world and share business expertise. You can meet leaders of other nations all over the world, and see what they did differently when taking their peoples out of slavery.
Moses: Interesting.
Aaron: I can see it now — Moses Rabeinu. Leader of the Israelites. Past experience: Prince of Egypt. You can Tweet about it to your followers.
Moses: My followers? I think you’re confusing me with another religious leader.
Aaron: Followers — the people who read your posts on Twitter. Microblogging. To let people know what you’re up to.
Moses: Why would anybody possibly care what I’m up to every moment of the day?
Aaron: Moishe, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but you’re sort of important. People care. You know, just in case you ever find yourself at the top of a mountain for a long time, we might be curious as to where you are and when you might come back down to the people.
Moses: I know my people and I know they will never give up those stone tablets, especially if the words are written by the finger of G-d.
Aaron: Of course! Mose, it’s about time you get into the 21st century.
Moses: It’s only 1446 B.C.E.! I just don’t see how this is necessary.
Aaron: Twitter and LinkedIn are just the beginning. I haven’t even told you yet about Facebook.
Moses: I like the sound of that one — we ARE the People of the faceBook.
Aaron: It’s another great way to stay connected with friends and share important information.
Moses: Do I really need another thing to keep track of in my day? I’m a very busy person, leading a people out of slavery, and all.
Aaron: Can you imagine how different our lives would be if our ancestors had used Facebook? Instead of traveling many long journeys, Abraham could have invited people to a “Judaism” Facebook group. Joseph could have interpreted his friends’ dreams near and far via Facebook wall posts, and his posted pictures would keep his brothers updated with what he looked like. And you could have stayed in touch with Tzipporah even long-distance.
Moses: Okay. Let my people go…online!
If you’re ready to get comfortable with social media, contact Jonathan Lehrer Communications.