Dear Lia, Congratulations on your upcoming Bat Mitzvah and thank you for seeking my advice. When you enter Niles West as a ninth grader, you will be attending one of the most ethnically diverse schools in the area. If there were one piece of advice I could offer you that would help you not only in our school but in your life in general, it would be the following: go out of your way, at all times, to model respect for everyone with whom you come in contact. Practicing respectful behavior will bring you inner peace and will make the world in which we live clearly a better place. In high school you will learn so much about people and their backgrounds and customs. The more you are able to integrate this into your life the richer you will become as an individual. I am looking forward to welcoming you to our high school. Shalom. Roger
D. Stein, Ph.D. Go to the next page, or jump to one of the letters listed below.